Soothing Escape Massage an OC Mobile Massage Therapy practice offers full-service massage for insurance clients.

Our accreditations in Neuromuscular Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Deep Tissue, and Sports Massage delivers the right combination of modalities to aid in getting you out of pain and back to living your normal life again. medical massage therapy near me for insurance massage Pain creates the need for change. Change in our normal patterns that may cause our pain or change by way of increased movement options for your body to feel whole again. Change is necessary to influence the body to heal. A little change makes large results. Soothing Escape Massage offers the most comprehensive mobile massage therapy near you to help take you out of pain faster. Returning from a sports injury, car accident, or massage for preventative care we are your local source of knowledge, empathy, and caring heads.

You are invited.

Give us a call to enhance your healing.

Because you are special, you should get the care that you deserve.

Call now 714-694-2995

Serving the North and South Orange County Area.